We take great pleasure in presenting to you the EL PASO JOURNAL'S souvenir edition. It has been our intention for many months to present to our friends here and elsewhere a suitable pictorial history of our little city and present to those who resided here in former days some definite idea of our wonderful changes and improvements. Those who knew El Paso ten or fifteen years ago and depend upon their memory for a picture of today, have but an iadequate idea of the general appearance of even Front street, while the many handsome modern houses now erected in our residence district completely alters the appearance of dozens of blocks in the city. Change--- rapid, radical change--has taken place. The destroying fire fiend has had indeed too much to do with these rapid changes. Five destructive fires have in less than fifteen years played havoc with the business portion of our city. In each of these a block or more of business houses were wiped out. The hand of progression has been the other factor in the rapid changes referred to. Remodeled residences, larger and more modern churches, better lighted and heated business houses have taken the place of the more ancient structures.

This little book represents much labor, time and expense and after many unavoidable delays,; we present it, confident that it is worthy of the cause in which it is issued.


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