El Paso Commercially

          As will be seen by the opposite page, almost every line of business which is usually found in Central Illinois cities of this size is well represented. With a population variously estimated at 1500 to 2000, our mercantile houses will favorably compare with those of places many times larger. The store rooms are roomy, well appointed and lighted, and stocked with complete lines of modern goods at all times. Surrounded by a wealthy farming community which is abundantly able to pay cash for its necessities as well as the luxuries, our merchants are always enabled to make bottom prices on their commodities to all comers. Trade is drawn extensively for many miles in all directions. THE JOURNAL'S columns each week reflect the enterprise and energy of El Paso's businessmen, and the advertisers at all times are ready and anxious to have you test the sincerity of their statements in the advertisements. As elsewhere stated there is not an unoccupied business room or residence in the city. In most of the lines already established there is close, sharp, but intelligent competition, and newcomers would find no walk-away in any event. Such few lines as are not now represented; and even such manufacturing industries with which the question of fuel is not a chief consideration would find an inviting field among us. Shipping facilities are excellent, and markets are easily accessible.
          As a residence city El Paso cannot be excelled anywhere. The church, school, entertainment, social and other desirable features are of the best. Taxes are not out of proportion to the privileges and accommodations enjoyed. To the homeseeker where the principal object is to obtain a residence where his family may enjoy life in its truest sense, and where his children may be educated in a community which prides itself on the excellence of its schools, El Paso offers unsurpassed inducements. Truly are we a blessed people.

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