Employees of First National Bank in 1924. Bernita Haas, Max Smith, L. K. Evans, Mansfield King, and Charles Roberts.
Mrs. Jennie Worthington served as the first president and Mrs. Minnie Schofield as the first secretary.

SONS OF VETERANS OF THE UNION ARMY camp was organized in El Paso on March 16, 1895. The first captain was John B. Michels and the first sergeant Luther B. Renard.

BAVARIA LODGE No. 327, I. O. O. F. was organized October 7, 1866 and worked in the German language.

HUGH de PAYENS LODGE No. 241, KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS was organized in April, 1890.

SILVER LEAF COURT OF HONOR LODGE No. 33 was chartered November 26, 1895. It had an insurance feature with its membership.

A HOME FORUM branch was organized in August, 1895. It featured insurance for both husbands and wives in its membership plan.

THE CHAUTAUQUA LITERARY AND SCIENTIFIC CIRCLE was organized in 1881. Its first set of books was an extensive study of Greece, and the first meeting of the Circle was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoagland. The membership increased until it included members residing over our entire community who continued the studies and social activities for almost twenty years. Some of the members traveled to Chautauqua, New York to attend the summer sessions held there.

THE PANOLA READING CIRCLE at one time had a large membership. A meeting December 31, 1885 was in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Patton. Their son Frank Patton, with Robert Evans, Alice Tucker, Robert Sturgeon, Rose Bonar, J. F. Sturgeon, L. K. Evans and Hattie Bonar were responsible for the program.

THE EQUESTRIAN CLUB was active in 1888 when Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hodgson entertained its members with a dinner in their home. The

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