directed attention to the very serious need for tubercular treatments and served as a forerunner to the present County institutions.

Dr. Gordon was a civic-minded man. He was a Republican by birth but bipartisan in belief, serving his community as mayor, alderman, bank director and president, director and president of both high school and grade school boards, and was president of both the local Golf Club and Kiwanis Club.

In 1901 he founded the El Paso Telephone Company, an institution of which he was president and general manager for a half-century. His telephone experience was responsible for his becoming President, Secretary and lifetime director of the Illinois Telephone Association, President of the State Independent Toll Clearing Company, National Director of the United States Independent Telephone Association, and a member of the Pioneer Telephone Association. As retiring president of the Illinois State Telephone Association, Dr. Gordon said: "Let us learn as we go, not forget what we know, never be satisfied, but give our patrons full knowledge so that all may progress, –UPWARD!"

The doctor served on the staffs of the Bloomington hospitals, and was a member of the McLean and Woodford County Medical Societies, and the 50-Year Club of the American Medical Association. He was affiliated with the Masonic bodies, the O. E. S., M. W. A., Royal Neighbors, Knights of Pythias, the Court of Honor and the El Paso Federated Church.

He died quietly and without serious prior illness at his home on November 16, 1951.

Very Reverend Murray Vincent Haas

Murray V. Haas, son of Ralph B. Haas and Anna Murray (Schlink) Haas, was born in El Paso on July 20, 1912, the second in a family of eight children of six boys and two girls. His father was of German descent, his mother of German-Irish. He attended the Pauley School northeast of El Paso for his grade school education; his high school work was obtained at St. Bede Academy at Peru, Illinois. Murray advanced to college education at the St. Louis Preparatory Seminary and his training in theology was at Kenrick Seminary. On June 6, 1937 the young man was ordained a priest at St. Mary's Cathedral, Peoria, Illinois, by the Most Reverend J. H. Schlarman, D. D. Father Haas's first assignment was that of Chaplain, St. Joseph's, Wedron, Illinois, remaining there from June, 1937 to July 20, 1938. He then served until April 21, 1944 as Assistant Pastor, St. Mary's Cathedral, Peoria, Illinois, and on April 21, 1944 he became pastor of that church, a position he still holds.

In recognition of Father Haas's splendid work, Pope Pius XII on June 14, 1948, elevated him to the rank of Very Reverend Monsignor. He now handles a multitude of jobs with zest and efficiency. He is Youth Director, Catholic Diocese of Peoria; Family Life Director of the same diocese; also its Cana Conference Director, Defensor Vinculi,

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